Tecknoworks Blog

The Future of Work: A Conversation with Our CEO

It’s no secret that the last few years have brought major challenges to many of us personally, as well as a massive shake-up to the business world. As we collectively take stock of what we’ve come through and where we’re headed, what does it mean for the future of work? How can leaders balance the needs of their stakeholders with the needs of their people? What is the key to creating a culture that allows a team and a company to thrive despite possibly never meeting face-to-face? How does a physical office still play an essential role in the day-to-day, even when most of the team works remotely?

Our CEO, Maarten, recently sat down with the team at CBC Records to discuss all this and more. As we know from working with him for over a year and a half now, Maarten firmly believes in transparency, finding the possibilities within challenges, giving our team a voice in our daily work and our company future, and understanding the drivers for team happiness and strong business outcomes. Some of the highlights from this insightful discussion include:

  • – What are the key challenges facing leaders today?
  • – The importance of a digital-first culture that welcomes remote work, the importance of a physical office optimized for our new reality, and the importance of letting people choose which they prefer
  • – How to build company culture and team buy-in from behind a screen
  • – How freelancers can be part of the core team, not just short-term workers on the periphery
  • – How to celebrate differences and find commonalities among international workers with a wide range of backgrounds
  • – How to implement company values so they become part of the organizational DNA
  • – Maarten’s personal leadership philosophy, rooted in trust and positivity

If you’re someone interested in leadership strategies for our new way of working, how to balance the demands of today’s workforce with the needs of your company, how to build a culture that generates happiness and results, or what a company that embraces change looks like, we encourage you to check out the interview above.

Yes, there are significant and ongoing shifts that we’re all still adapting to around the world, but there are many opportunities to be found, and much to look forward to. Onward to the future of work!

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